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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1996-02-03  |  2KB  |  35 lines

  1. :Base launchpad.hlp
  2. :Title Launchpad 95 1.5
  3. 1 Welcome
  4. 2 What is Launchpad 95 ?=IDH_WhatIs>LPTopic2
  5. 2 What's New ?=IDH_WhatsNew>LPTopic2
  6. 1 Installation
  7. 2 Installing Launchpad 95=IDH_Installing>LPTopic2
  8. 2 Uninstalling Launchpad 95=IDH_Uninstalling>LPTopic2
  9. 1 License and Pricing Information
  10. 2 License Agreement=IDH_License>LPTopic2
  11. 2 Evaluation and Registration=IDH_Register>LPTopic2
  12. 2 Distribution=IDH_Distribution>LPTopic2
  13. 2 Ordering and Pricing Information=IDH_Pricing>LPTopic2
  14. 1 Using Launchpad 95
  15. 2 Understanding Launchpad=IDH_Understanding>LPTopic2
  16. 2 Hiding the Launchpad=IDH_Hiding>LPTopic2
  17. 2 Close the Launchpad=IDH_Close>LPTopic2
  18. 1 Customizing Launchpad 95
  19. 2 Move the Launchpad=IDH_Move>LPTopic2
  20. 2 Sizing the Launchpad=IDH_Sizing>LPTopic2
  21. 2 Add a toolbar to or remove a toolbar from the toolbar tray=IDH_Add>LPTopic2
  22. 2 Creating shortcuts in a toolbar=IDH_CREATESHORTCUTS>LPTopic2
  23. 2 Ordering toolbars in the toolbar tray=IDH_Ordering>LPTopic2
  24. 2 Specifying sort order for the buttons in a toolbar=IDH_SpecifyingSortOrder>LPTopic2
  25. 2 Controlling number of characters displayed in a toolbar button=IDH_Characters>LPTopic2
  26. 2 Controlling the size of icons displayed in a toolbar button=IDH_Icons>LPTopic2
  27. 2 Browsing folders in a toolbar=IDH_Browsing>LPTopic2
  28. 2 Hide or Display a toolbar button=IDH_HideOrDisplayButton>LPTopic2
  29. 2 Up one level support to switch to the parent folder=IDH_UPONELEVEL>LPTopic2
  30. 2 Hide toolbar buttons in toolbars by file type=IDH_HideButtons>LPTopic2
  31. 2 Adding new file types=IDH_AddingFileTypes>LPTopic2
  32. 2 Refreshing the contents of toolbars=IDH_Refresh>LPTopic2
  33. 1 Technical Support
  34. 2 Send feedback or report problems=IDH_FEEDBACK>LPTopic2